Monthly Archives: October 2015

Never thought we’d get here!

So much good news today!!

I am down 7 pounds! That, to me, is amazing-especially considering my diet this past week has included french toast, tacos, and ice cream… my major weakness!

With it being a dreary and rainy halloween, I didn’t want to wear my jeans and riding boots…. who likes wet jeans?! Not this girl! Yes I know, a long story about pants. Im getting there. I have a pair of jeans that I had just tried on 3 weeks ago and couldn’t button… I was hesitant, but thought I would try it anyway. Lo and behold they FIT!! I was so excited! So off to our ultrasound appointment I went!

On the way there I was almost in tears… what if my ovaries didn’t do what they were supposed to do?!

Thank the Lord my ovaries did what they were supposed to! A follicle on my right ovary was at 22cm… the perfect size! My doctor got almost as excited as we did and immediately scheduled my appointment for Monday!

I even got to go home with a goodie bag… of drugs! They gave me 2 needles and the actual medicine to inject.

Needles make me VERY nervous. Working with pigs, part of my job is to give them medicine when they need it. These often involve very large needles (16 gauge) to get the medicine in, and a tad amount of force to get it through their bough skin

NOTE: My description of this may offend some people. Nowadays, everyone is antibiotic free. That is your opinion, and that is fine. Please keep your negative comments to yourself!

Because of my experience with pigs, I always imagine the shots I get to be the same. The needles they gave me are a little long, but small at 25g! This gets injected tonight and the insemination is Monday! F

For now, all we can do is keep our fingers crossed and hope it takes on Monday! Keep us in your prayers!


For me, Supper is one of the hardest meals to make paleo. You can only have steak and veggies or salad for so long.

I’m trying to post recipes as I go, if you have any favorites post them below!

Information not pity!

When I first started this blog, I was worried people would get the wrong impression. I do not tell people my story to get pity or apologizes, I tell people because I want to educate!

When I got diagnosed with PCOS it blew my mind that I had never heard of it- it affects so many people yet even more don’t even know it exists!

I have 800 Facebok friends- even if 1/2 of them were women , that still means that there at 50 other women that I am friends with that could possibly have PCOS! I want people to understand that they are not alone, and I also want to be an education resource for those without it.

If my dinky little blog reaches just 1 woman with PCOS, then I will be happy.

Just keep moving forward

One thing I haven’t talked about yet is my doctor’s appointments. For any of you with PCOS, you know these are either really good, or really bad- you either get good news or you get bad news: My last appointment was definitely one of the bad ones.

While my husband and I have been trying for over a year on Clomid and Provera alone, we were just recently referred to a specialist. This month was supposed to be our big “insemination month.” We did the Clomid and Provera again, but this time I would have extra ultrasounds with the plan being insemination. However, like anything else, things don’t always go as planned.

I was told on Friday that even after Clomid I was not ovulating. The ultrasound showed no signs of my follicles hinting towards ovulation. As I broke down in front of the ultrasound tech, she assured me that even with my ovaries, there is still a high chance of success. How can there be a high chance of success if my body won’t even ovulate on the drug that is supposed to make it?!

This heart breaking news was made even worse by the fact that we celebrated a small victory last month. My cycle started, for the first time in over a year, on its own without Provera. I was told by my doctor that it was because the Clomid made me ovulate, so it was still somewhat drug induced, but it did not take Provera to make it start. This was HUGE.

It is amazing how much your body changes month to month. One month your body starts doing things on its own, the next high dose drugs won’t even make it work right.

I was put on more Clomid in hopes it would make me ovulate and I go back to the doctor Wednesday for another ultrasound. I still have 2 days for the medicine to kick in, but according to the ovulation test i took this morning it doesn’t seem likely!

(ps… don’t leave an ovulation test for your husband to find in the bathroom. It looks exactly like a pregnancy test. My husband saw the 2 lines and about came out of his skin! The excitement in his face was heartbreaking as I told him what it really was. So do yourself a favor and make sure he understands everything your doing too!)

So for now, we will keep doing what the doctors order and continue with the paleo diet! So far I have lost 4 pounds, but the negative appointment from Friday makes that seem not as important.

So for my #cysters out there, we will keep pushing on!

The magical drink

Can we all just take a moment and agree how disgusting vinegar smells. I hate it. There is nothing worse to me than the smell of vinegar. As far as I knew it was only for cleaning (side story, the best bathroom cleaner EVER is 1/2 cup blue dawn mixed with 1/2 cup warm vinegar. Shake it up, spray it, let it sit for 1-2 hours, then wipe it down and stare in amazement. Please don’t microwave your vinegar for too long, unless you like explosions that result in a very clean microwave)

But did you know the health benefits of this disgusting liquid?!?! Less heartburn, sugar stabilizer, weight loss, energy, and so many other good things!

Kelly at Primarily Inspired has created this magical drink that masks the taste of that disgusting but o-so-good for you liquid.

I cautiously made and tried my drink…and….it was delicious!!!!

My husband, on the other hand, made a face worthy of a 5 year old eating vegetables. You win some you loose some.

I have only been drinking it for 2 days, but I can already tell how much better it is making me feel! Even though I was up at 5 this morning I have more energy and have had not one sugar drop all day. I call that a win!

Head on over to Kelly’s site to get this amazing recipe! I promise, you will be thanking me!

Very important side note: If you do not drink this all right at once and plan to sip on it, make sure you stir before every sip! Sometimes the contents seem the separate a little, giving you a huge mouth full of super unpleasant vinegar.


The most dangerous question to ask a woman…

I am at that fun age where everyone around you is having kids and getting married. I’ve done the getting married part, but its the having kids part everyone is waiting on (come on ovaries, get your shit together.)

One of the hardest parts of dealing with PCOS is that dreaded question. All you had to do is look at a child, make a compliment, or even be in the same room as a child and people are poking you asking when your going to have little ones running around. If you haven’t been asked, it will happen and while you scramble for a socially acceptable answer your panicking and hoping that you wont ever get asked that again-but you will again and again and again and again.

The answer I give to this question can take 2 routes: The socially acceptable answer OR the the bitchy “scare people off” answer. It really just depends on my mood and who is asking. The answer I usually give is “We’re working on it,” and most people will catch on and drop the subject. However, everyone in this world has those days where you woke up on the wrong side of the bed, someone pissed in your cheerios, and you got a flat on the way to work .You’re just really not in the mood to deal with people. those are the days where my answer is usually not so nice.

Person: When are you going to have little ones of your own?!

Me: When I’m no longer infertile

Ya. That one usually knocks people on their but a bit. There are only so many times and so much patience to be had before you have a monumental breakdown and just snap. And you know what? ITS OK.

So if you have PCOS and are reading this, its ok to be upset when someone asks you. Its ok to cry sometimes and its ok to have a complete meltdown. I personally think its necessary: meltdowns are better than murder right?

If you do not have PCOS, please please please pretty please with a cherry on top do not ask ANYONE when they are going to have kids. You never know their story!


One of the hardest parts that I have found so far about this diet is not sticking to it, but finding food to eat! When I was first told just meat and vegetables I thought it was going to be easy peasy. HA! Boy was I wrong!!!!

One foot in front of the other…

I am so excited to share this journey of PCOS with all of you!!! I will be documenting my appointments, the process, what I learned, my diet, and exercise! (basically more about me than you ever thought you wanted to know!)

While I have been diagnosed with PCOS for over a month, today is the day I start being proactive! Yes it took me a month…no judging…procrastinators unite!!! Tomorrow!

Feel free to share stories, tips, recipes, or thoughts you may have! Please though, if you have any  negative comments, be like thumper 🙂